
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

Exam, evaluation and an activity

29/04/2020 First of all,  we have been talking about the exam. It will consist in two parts: one of them it is going to be an oral examination and another part will be a recording.   Then, we have done a videocall with our classmates to evalute our project. We have collected some important ideas. We cloncluded that we are working properly and  achieving with the established dates.   We have made a test from socrative in order to make some definitions parts of the unit and review some of them: ecosystems, community, hervibore, biodiversity, phosyntesis, descomposer, sunlight and autotrophs.    

Article and ecosystem lab

24/ 04/2020   Today we have started the class finishing the unit of ecosystems. Some of the basic concepts are the following ones: flow of energy, flow of matter and carbon cycle. Besides, To better understand the ecosystem concept, we have seen a video with which some of the doubts I had have been resolved.     Then, s ome class members have given their opinion of the article called "Tip of the iceberg: is our destruction of nature responsible for covid-19?". Besides, we have had a discussion in acadly about it. The article explains that humans are creating habits where viruses are transmitted more easily.       The difference between now and few decades ago is that viruses spring up in both urban and natural environments as humans are not respecting the barrier between host animals and themselves. One example of this is the wet market were wild animals are killed and it is a perfection storm for cross- species transmission of pathogens. From my point o

Assesment and ecosystems

22/04/2020    Today we have started the class assesing our classmates´ questionaries aboout the unit. Besides, the teacher has sent us a document with the right answers so it was easier to check if they were right or not in their answers. So, it is a good opportunity to sel-learning.   The second part of the class was based on the ecosystems´ explanation. Teacher gave time to read the unit and understand some basic concepts such as habitat, species, population, community, ecosystem, nutrients, community, population....   The most important part of the lesson was the concept of photosynthesis which is the first step in a food chain. So, it is really important fot ecosystems.     For the next class, we have to read an article called "Tip of iceberg: is our destruction of nature responsable for covid-19?"   

A plastic ocean

17/04/2020   T o start the class we have made an individual reflection on the film "A plastic ocean". The film is a documentary about the consumption of plastic on our planet. In it you can see how the ocean has no limits and plastic travels all over the world. In this way many animals consume plastic and the food chain is affected. Furthermore, many of them die. On the other hand, many poor communities live on plastic islands where hygiene conditions are low. Besides, these communities use plastic for cooking, which is a great health risk since it can cause respiratory problems as well as cancer. All in all, w e have in our hands a problem to solve. Each individual action will lead to great change.     We have been presented with a word cloud with the most prominent words that characterize the film.  Word cloud is a useful tool to have a general view of the film. Then, the class has been divided in two groups. The two groups had to debate about the re

Using acadly

15/04/2020     Today we have conducted three surveys on acadly. The first survey asked about the participation we had in the posts that we had uploaded to intagram. The second one was associated with the project and about its development. The third survey asked about the access we had to Nextflix as we have to see a film called: A plastic ocean. From my point of view, Acadly is very useful since you can do many activities in it and this application is easy to use. Then, we have time to continue with the development of our project. For next day we have to watch a film: "A plastic ocean"   

Presentation of the project

1/04/2020   Today we have made a presentation to our colleagues about our project. In my group we have discussed the following aspects: objectives and how we are going to carried it out. The main objective is to know how to bring to Spain some changes of reducing plastic in the supermarkets of other countries.      Then, we had to fill in a form about the development of the project design.      To finish the group of coordinators give us the calendar to upload the post to the instagram. My group is going to upload five post during three weeks.

Redesign the project

27/03/2020     Today we started the class solving doubts. Afterwards, each group made a video call to redesign the project. In our case we have had to start from scratch so we have been specifying objectives and dates in which we feared that we would have met.  

Change topic project

25/03/2020     Today we are not at Ces Don Bosco teaching because, due to the coronavirus problem, we are all respecting the measures that the government has taken. Therefore, due to the circumstances, we must adapt to this new situation.   In this subject we have a pending project and we must specify how we are going to carry it out taking into account these unforeseen circumstances. So, to talk about it we have made a video call with our group.   My group had planned to carry out the reduction of the plastic in the cafeteria of Ces Don Bosco. However, with this situation it has been very difficult for us to do so. Therefore, we have decided to change the subject. At the beginning we did not know how to do it because we have been blocked since the other work was advanced. In addition, the questionnaire we did does not do us much good since the questions are focused on the issue of plastic reduction in the cafeteria. However, at the end of the session we were able to

Explanation of the unit

6/03/2020     Today we have continued with the unit. T he concepts explained have been the following: air temperature, factors of temperature, air pressure , humidity and wind. Air temperature: We can measure irt with a thermometer. 1. Differential heating of land and water 2. Ocean currents 3. Altitude 4. Geographic position 5. Cloud and albedo Air pressure: We can measure it with a barometer. Force per unit area (pressure) exerted into a surface by air around that surface.     Humidity: We can measure it with a hygrometer. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air (mixing ration, relative humidity, dew point temperature)     Wind: We can measure it with anemometer Horizontal movement of the air. It flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure: pressure balance.       This class has been very interesting as we have learnt some basic concepts which are fundamental to understand our environment. 

Pooling and explanation of the unit

4/02/2020   Todays´s class has been divided into two parts:   First part   All the groups decided that the questions will be asked in the survey . Our questions have been the following: Do you think it is possible to remove / reduce all the plastic in coffee shops? - yes - no What alternative can you think of to remove / reduce plastic from coffee shops? (open question) Would it be profitable to replace plastic cups with reusable cardboard cups? - yes - no Do you think that bringing your own bottle can be an option to reduce or eliminate plastic cups? -yes -no How long do you think it would take to remove or reduce all the plastics used in a cafeteria? -much -little bit - I don't see it feasible.     Second part   From each group two people have come to the board to explain the text that had touched them. In our case, the Ozone text.    From my point of view, today´s class has been very productive.       

Earth´s spheres and ozone text

28/ 02/ 2020 This class has been divided in two parts: explanation of the topic and a reading of ozone text. On the one hand, today we have learned about the system Earth´s spheres : the atmosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. The atmosphere is a layer or a set of layers of gases suttounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body. The troposphere is the lowest major atmospheric layer, extending from the Earth´s Surface up to the bottom of the stratosphere. The stratosphere is the layer of the earth´s atmosphere above the troposphere, extending to about 50km above the earth´s Surface (yhe lower boundary of the mesosphere) The mesosphere is the región of the earth´s atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, between about 50 and 80 km in altitude. The thermosphere is the region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have

Multiple choice

26/02/2020   Today we have made a test exam in pairs. From my point of view, this technique help us to recognize our learning about the unit. Besides, doing the test with a partner is essential support and reflection on the answers is much deeper. All in all, it a good technique to implement in our future classes.