Earth´s spheres and ozone text

28/ 02/ 2020

This class has been divided in two parts: explanation of the topic and a reading of ozone text.

On the one hand, today we have learned about the system Earth´s spheres: the atmosphere, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.

The atmosphere is a layer or a set of layers of gases suttounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body.

The troposphere is the lowest major atmospheric layer, extending from the Earth´s Surface up to the bottom of the stratosphere.

The stratosphere is the layer of the earth´s atmosphere above the troposphere, extending to about 50km above the earth´s Surface (yhe lower boundary of the mesosphere)

The mesosphere is the región of the earth´s atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, between about 50 and 80 km in altitude.

The thermosphere is the region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have the properties of continuous medium.

On the second hand, each group of the class have read a text on a topic. My group read a ozone text.
After reading, we had to make a list with the main ideas of the text:
  • Global problem: Loss of ozone in the atmosphere due to human activities which generates pollution.
  • The most significant of the offending chemicals= CFCs (many uses as air condinitioning and refrigeration) 
  • No one worried about CFCs 
  • Experts studied the reduction of the average of ozone´s concentration in 1974 
  • 1995: Nobel prize 
  • The discovery of CFCs= inert in the lower atmosphere; sun separated atoms and this creates some reactions in which the ozone is removed.
  • Ozone filters out most of the ultraviolet rays
  • Most serious threat to human health is an increase risk of skin cancer
  • Montreal Protocal on substance that Deplete the Ozone Layer
The most difficult part of this session has been understanding how ozone reduction worked. However, after discussing the most important characteristics with my group it was easier
to understand how the ozone layer works. This leads me to think that working in cooperative groups is a very useful learning technique.


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