Article and ecosystem lab

24/ 04/2020
Today we have started the class finishing the unit of ecosystems. Some of the basic concepts are the following ones: flow of energy, flow of matter and carbon cycle. Besides, To better understand the ecosystem concept, we have seen a video with which some of the doubts I had have been resolved.
Then, some class members have given their opinion of the article called "Tip of the iceberg: is our destruction of nature responsible for covid-19?". Besides, we have had a discussion in acadly about it. The article explains that humans are creating habits where viruses are transmitted more easily.
The difference between now and few decades ago is that viruses spring up in both urban and natural environments as humans are not respecting the barrier between host animals and themselves. One example of this is the wet market were wild animals are killed and it is a perfection storm for cross- species transmission of pathogens. From my point of view, education has an important role to teach some values as awareness to our students. So, we have the power of the change.
To finish the class we have carried out an activity called ecosystem lab in which we had to form our own ecosystem in order for everyone to live.



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