What is the Earth?


Today we have started the class with a thinking routine called "See, think and wonder". We have gone to the playground and we have looked around us to answer the questions but taking into account that the topic was "The Universe".
  • What can I see? I can see the Sun that is shinning.
  • What do I think? I think that the Earth is moving around the Sun, that this planet allows vital development and the importance of gravity.
  • What does it make me wonder? The pollution and how long the earth will survive.
This thinking routine is a useful technique which can be implemented in primary as it helps students to think and reflect about real life. It was a fantastic idea to go to the playground as it was motivating and inspiring.

Then, the teacher asks us to answer the following questions:
  • Where are we?
  • What is the Earth planet?
  • How does the Earth look like?
  • How can we know something about the Universe?
We answer these questions in our cooperative group and then we presented our conclusions to our classmates. The conclusions of all groups were quite similar:
  • The Earth is the place where we life. It is one of the eight planets of the Solar System. It is the third nearest planet to the Sun. It is formed by land and water.  The Earth is sphere, mostly blue, is moving and the moon is its satellite.
To conclude the class, we have started the introduction of Unit 1 which allows me to understand some important concepts:
  • The axes help us to understan Earth´s movemet (ecuatorial planes)
  • Rotation movement: the Earth is spinning on its axes (night and day- the movement of the Sun is related)
  • The orbit is an elipse which is quite close to a circunference. The maximun distance and minimun distance is not a huge difference.
  • Ecliptic plane: is the plane where the planets move around the sun (incline axis-23,5ºC incline) It is really important to understand seasons.
All in all, it has been a useful class to understand and reflect about important aspects of our planet.


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