Unit 1. The Earth


As I have said in my last post, here is the universe mock-up that I have made with my team work.
The class has started with the concept of the Earth and its main characteristics:
The Earth is a planet which is made up of spheres and its satellite is called The moon. It moves in four ways: rotation, revolution, precession and nutation. The rotation movement explains that it takes 24 hours to get to the same point and this movement causes day and night. The revolution movement is when the Earth moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit and it takes 365 days to finish one revolution. The precession movement is caused by the gravitational influence of the Sun and other places. Nutation is the perturbation of the axis of the Earth.

Earth axis is tilted 23,5º from the ecliptic plane.
- Equinox: same day and night length (autum and spring)
- Solstice: greates difference between day and night length

Experiment: With the light of phones we have proved that if the light is more incline, the table would receive less hit than if the light is in a vertical position. That is the reason why winters are more cold in the south poles than in the north ones.
Important question: How can we explain the different temperatures of the Earth? The Earth is moving around the Sun and because of the incline axis.
To finish with this class, we have seen that the Sun rises in the east and hides in the west. Besides, we have representate different situations that could happen in the Earth.
From my point of view, this class has been very useful as I can understand the main concepts of the Earth and its movement. Besides, the experiment has helped me to visualize how the position of the Sun light is really important to understand the hit in the Earth.


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