The Moon

We have started the class exposing different characteristics of the Moon by a brainstorming:
- Earth´s satallite
- Two movements
- Phaces
- It doesn´t have atmosphere
- It brights because reflects the light of the Sun
- Is smaller than the Earth: a quarter of the size of the Earth
This brainstorming has helped me to realize that I knew more things about the moon than I believed.
Then, we have seen a video in which the main words have been the following ones: crescent, gibbous, waving and wanning. It has been really useful to know about them.
Question: Why do we see only one face from the Earth? We have represented the answer in class. One student was the moon and another the earth. The earth was spinning much faster and the Earth can only see one face from the Earth.
Phaces of the moon:


We have finished the class with the eclipse definition: some object hides another one ( three of them in a line) Only new moon and full moon are possible to eclipse. 
This class has been very useful for me as I have review basic concepts which are necessary to undertand the moon.


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